Perimeter Bollards

Sale price Price $150.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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STOP WASTING MONEY ON REPEATED REPLACEMENTS. We continue working year after year, protecting assets and pedestrians!

Great for shopfronts, carparks (used by Main Roads on our highways and cross-overs because of their durability). Providing a low cost protective barrier that remains safe and secure year after year, and are easily removable using tools provided. 

No more expensive maintenance - surrounding foundations remain in pristine condition for the entire lifespan of a development (no matter how many times your bollard is impacted by vehicles- even severe impact) and bollards can be removed to allow access (cap included), or replaced in seconds for events, maintenance or upgrades.


  • Steel Powder coated
  • Stainless Steel

Unit includes

  • Bollard
  • ZERO WASTE Foundations 350 mm
  • Cap (for ground socket when bollard is removed)
  • Removal tool Required

