Simply smarter developments
Shown here is an example of a ZERO WASTE development (Stirling council foreshore development at Scarborough Beach). By installing signage and roadside infrastructure using ZERO WASTE Foundations, items that are highly vulnerable to corrosion, vandalism and impact from vehicles, will remain safe and secure, prerfectly aligned year after year and can be quickly removed and replaced for events, maintenance and future upgrades.
ZERO WASTE Foundations
Shown here are ZERO WASTE Foundations when an item is removed the ground socket is capped off with no trip factors.
Shown right are foundations that use a stainless steel surround and this can include a magnetised stainless steel cap that drops in and finishes flush (for items removed on regular basis)
ZERO WASTE bollards
City of Perth had a problem- maintenance on bollards was costing a mint and causing problems in the city. Spring loaded bollards were wearing out causing litigation risks- we provided a low cost, sustainable solution that continues working year after year. Shown here on left is the City of Fremantle using Steel Impact Recovery Bollards secured on In-ground ZERO WASTE Foundations to reduce maintenance. Shown below is the City of Perth using Stainless steel Impact Recovery Bollards secured on Surface-mount Re-usable Base plate to reduce maintenance. Impact Recovery Bollards are impact resistant (slowly self-recovering) remaining safe and secure and can be quickly removed and replaced for events, maintenance and future upgrades. These stainless steel bollards can be supplied with solar lighting. Little wonder why Impact Recovery Bollards are the bollards of choice for all major cities in WA
ZERO WASTE Street furniture
Street furniture from tables to seating, bins and statues can be secured on ZERO WASTE Foundations, substantially reducing the cost of installation and maintenance and greatly improving the versatility and dynamics of a development. Items become removable, quickly and efficiently replaceable and even relocatable for events, emergencies, maintenance and future upgrades. You can install the infrastructure for an entire development or event in a single day using this system and ZERO WASTE Foundations remain in pristine and good working condition for the entire lifespan of a development.
Replacements for events, maintenance and future upgrades are fast and efficient. Zero on-going damage, zero on-going disturbance and zero on-going consumption of vital resources
Stable Tables: Tables remain stable even on uneven ground on unstable paving.
Car park infrastructure
Infrastructure in car-park is particularly vulnerable to damage, shown here is a car-park where all infrastructure is secured using ZERO WASTE Foundations,
Shown right are car-park bollards made from low impact polypropylene, secured using the Impact Recovery System they self recover from impact, substantially reducing maintenance on car-park bollards
Simply safer fencing and barriers
Shown here is a security fence around an amusement park that is seasonal. The ZERO WASTE Foundations ensure the fence remains safe and secure and cannot be relocated or removed by unauthorised persons, Hillary's maintenance staff dismantle the fence at the end of the season, leaving behind no trace, no trip factors and enabling the space to be better utilised during the winter months. Excellent for events as
“ Our selection is not based on price alone, we also took into consideration the safety & saving aspects. The ZERO WASTE Foundations allow quick replacement of posts with no further effort required to the base, (providing a significant cost benefit in replacing the damaged sign post by re-using the existing footing ) and reduces risk of injury to employees by reducing time spent on traffic islands exposed to traffic.” MAIN ROADS W.A.
Safer Traffic and Bike path bollards
Shown here are Main Roads Traffic Bollards secured on ZERO WASTE Foundations, reducing the cost of installation (instead of taking several days of heavy labour, these bollards were installed in 20 minutes) and maintenance, making bollards removable, quickly and efficiently replaceable and even relocatable for events, wide loads, emergencies, maintenance and future upgrades.
Shown below are the Main Roads Safety Bike Path Bollards secured using the Super-flex Impact Recovery System which greatly improves the safety of bike riders by preventing vehicle access and reducing impact force when a rider collides with a bollard
Developed for MRWA in response to a litigation risk. Simply safer, more sustainable bollards - the obvious choice for those seeking to improve the safety and/or sustainability of their projects
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Simply smarter grab-rails
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Shown here are Main Roads W.A. pedestrian grab-rails secured on ZERO WASTE Foundations, greatly improving the safety and aesthetics of a development.
Grab-rails are secured using friction, remaining safe and secure, and surrounding foundations are made impact resistant, remaining in pristine condition impact after impact, year after year.
Because grab-rails are secured using friction, (no pins, padlocks or breakable components that can rust or distort when impacted) they remain perfectly aligned, safe and secure year after year. Replacements are fast and efficient keeping our roads, cleaner and safer impact after impact, year after year
Zero on-going damage, zero on-going disturbance and zero on-going consumption of vital resources.
Smarter, safer Traffic signage
Main Roads Traffic Traffic signs can now be secured on ZERO WASTE Foundations, substantially reducing the cost of installation and maintenance Signposts become removable, quickly and efficiently replaceable and even relocatable for events, wide loads, emergencies, maintenance and future upgrades. You can install the signage for an entire development in a single day using this system and ZERO WASTE Foundations remain in pristine condition for the entire lifespan of a development.
Replacements for events, maintenance and future upgrades are fast and efficient. Zero on-going damage, zero on-going disturbance and zero on-going consumption of vital resources
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Simply smarter Large signage
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Because ZERO WASTE Foundations create an impact absorbing shield in the concrete footing there is absolutely no limitation upon the size item that can be secured. It is the size of the concrete the footing that determines what size/ weight item can be secured. Ground sockets can be simply positioned upright when pouring concrete footings and instead of taking weeks, the signage for an entire development can be installed in a single day!
Foundations remain in pristine condition for decades.
Simply smarter installs
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Ground sockets can be simply positioned upright when pouring concrete footings and instead of taking weeks, the infrastructure for an entire development can be installed in a single day!
Most importantly, improves the sustainability of your development, creating a perfect finish, that remains in pristine condition for decades. Zero damage to newly laid foundations, and zero consumption of vital resources (no extra concrete required).
Advanced Polymer Bollards and Bollard covers
We supply Advanced Polymer bollards in a range of colours - shown here are the stone-look bollards that look just like a solid stone bollard but are far more durable and easy to maintain. Our Advanced Polymer bollards can be secured in- ground or secured using the Impact Recovery System (in-ground or surface mount)
Shown right is a Vicinity Shopping centre where Advanced Polymer Bollard Covers have been used to cover old steel bollards that had grown tired and unsightly- a cheaper and far more sustainable option than painting them.
Very simple to install - you can upgrade a development in a single day!
Impact Recovery bollards
Shown here on left are Synergy Bollards secured on In-ground ZERO WASTE Foundations to protect the paying stations and reduce maintenance.
You can secure any bollard from 150- 168 mm diameter using the Impact Recovery System (Steel, stainless steel or Advanced Polymer bollards) in almost any colour or design
Bollards become impact resistant, and easily removable for maintenance (shown here is a City of Perth worker replacing a bollard). Even when badly impacted, foundations and bollards are re-usable impact after impact, year after year.
Smart re-usable concrete footings
In an effort to reduce costs , reduce landfill and reduce on-going consumption of carbon resources, we developed re-usable concrete footings for the mining sector Join Australia’s leading mining Companies Rio Tinto and Hamersley Iron using removable and relocatable concrete footings with embedded ZERO WASTE Foundations to reduce maintenance, shut down and relocation costs with the added benefit of reducing their carbon footprint When an item is damaged or needs replacing it is quickly replaced using tools provided , and when a site is closed all the roadside infrastructure and concrete foundations can be quickly and efficiently removed using a hiiab and relocated to a new site, leaving behind no carbon waste and greatly reducing set up costs at new sites. ZERO WASTE, zero carbon intensive landfill and zero consumption of concrete or steel required for the new site |
Join the Zero Heroes laying the foundations for a better future
Join market leaders Lend lease, Synergy, Leighton, Transfield, Theiss, BGC, KFC, Broadspectrum, Vicinity Centres, Daracon, Ward Civil, CPB and major state road contractors from Downer Mouchel Gateway Alliance, to Leighton, Georgiou, WBHO, Daracon, Dowsing, Tracc Civil, CBA, major cities Perth, Fremantle, Bunbury, Joondalup and Stirling, plus many East Coast councils from Ryde to Gosford, Orange, Pittwater, Central Coast and Rio Tinto building a better future without waste.
Main Roads Dept WA
Leighton Contractors
Rio Tinto
Fulton Hogan
Downer E.D.I.
Gateway WA
Doric Group
Transfield Services
Hamersley Iron
Pilbara Iron
Environmental Industries
Western Road Services
Southern Gateway Alliance
WA Road Projects
Hillarys Marina
Holst Design
Hickory Group
HAS Earthmoving
Burswood Resort
Competitive Foods Aust
Erections WA
De Gray Civil
Safety Barriers WA
De Neefe Industries
Red Rooster
Kentuky Fried
Crosby Tiles
Sydney City Council
Perth City Council
Subiaco City Council
Ryde City Council
Liverpool City Council
Gosford City Council
Tyraning Council
Gosnells City Council
Liverpool City Council
Pittwater Council
Orange Council
Swan Council
Strathfield Council
Randwick Council
RMS Suppliers to Local Govt
Cambridge City Council
Redcliffe Council
Canning City Council
Fremantle City Council
Stirling City Council
Road Safety Shop
South Perth City Council
Melville City Council
De Neefe Industries
Street Furniture Australia
Christmas Island Council
Woolondilly Council
Kogarah Council
Bunbury City Council
Canning City Council
Vic Park City Council
Orange Council NSW
VCP Streetcare
Brady Group
Safety Signs Service
Trueline Australia
Naked Fig cafe
Pickled Fig Cafe
Diamond Fencing
Urban Toolz
Umbrella World
Kalamunda Shire Council
Waverley City Council
MCore Services
Western Metal Fabrication
Signalization BV
Jesters Pies
Specialty Products Group
Ross Engineering
Alliance Contracting
Landscape Elements
Holst Design & Build
Perth Citylink
Tomen Corporation
Joondalup City Council
Stirling City Council
Pindan Constructions
Broad Civil
Gemtek Automation
Georgiou Group